I'm not sure if anybody is familair with the subject matter of this song. If people don't know what it is about, I honestly prefer they don't find out, as it is based on a true story; a story which is too sad to discuss. I hope that everytime NLP plays this song, they connect somehow to the individual who this song is about. I never met that person, but eventually I will in some fashion.
This is not an official video for the song. However, I like the fact the video uses images of the cosmos, as it is the great linkage in the sky which connects all lifeforms. In a world dominated by endless distractions of a digital nature (iphones, ipods, ipads, itouches, idontcares), humans have stopped looking up in an attempt to discover their origins. I do not speak of finding religion, I speak of binding oneself back to the universe.
Listen to this song and remember that how ever bad things may seem, we need to be grateful for how good we have it.
Photos of NLP by Jon McFerson. Photos of the universe by NASA.
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